August 20, 2020

Might your morning be better with some Jackie Chan Parkour? I suspect it might!

A kind of intriguing (if USA-centric) Baby Name Toy From Time Magazine... the idea is you put in your name and birth year and it tells you what name is as popular now... for example Kirk was #192 in 1974, which is as popular as "River" is now. I appreciate a name with strong "R" energy that begins and ends on the same letter...not as powerful as monosyllabic names but still good.

(don't use if you're paranoid about revealing your year of birth and first name in combination!)
Thinking about my long-term disinterest in wearing a watch. In a way it's unfortunate because Apple Watches seem great with all the messages and health encouragement stuff (though I sorta wish they were round, the rounded rectangle stuff seems a bit dorkily pragmatic :-D)

But somehow, wearing a watch has always seemed confining to me, somehow - it's like a handcuff, but instead of being attached to a physical object you're a attached to be worried about what time it is.